Tropical China can be divided into east and west parts. Where the longitude of 1050 may serves as their boundary. The west part is mainly in southern Yunnan. According to the historical records which show 25 years with cold winter when snowfall occurred in the west part, it is found that the Little Ice Age began in 1498 and ended in 1896. During this period there were three cold stages, i.e. 1498-1550,1694-1826 and 1868-1896, while two relatively warm stages were intercalated between two cold ones. As compared with those in the east part, the lasting time of Little Ice Age from beginning to end in the west part was shorter, the appearance of the cold stages was laggard, and the influence scope was smaller. Disasters of floods and droughts were frequent in Little Ice Age, The cold stages of Little Ice Age are essentially consistent with the tranquil periods of sunspot activity. The difference of Little Ice Age between the east part and west part was a result of the effects of different monsoons, the East Asian Monsoon in the east part and the South Asian Monsoon in the west part of tropical China.