Lejun Zhang, received his M.S. degree in computer science and technology in Harbin Institute of Technology and the Ph.D. degrees at Harbin Engineering University, where he was an associate professor and doctoral supervisor at Yangzhou University. His research interests include computer network, social network analysis, dynamic network analysis and information security Hongjie Li, graduate student with major on computer science and technology, Department of computer science and technology, Harbin Engineering University. Chunhui Zhao, received the Ph.D. degree in Department of Automatic Measure and Control at Harbin Institute of Technology in 1998. At present, he is working in the College of Information Engineering, Yangzhou University as a professor and doctoral supervisor, He is a senior member of Chinese Electronics Academy. He has published four works and more than 500 papers. His research interests include digital signal and image processing, mathematical morphology, nonlinear filters. The corresponding author, email: xylei@yzu.edu.cn.Xiaoying Lei, received the B.S. degree from North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China in 2006, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea in 2010 and 2015, respectively. In 2015, she joined the College of Information Engineering at Yangzhou University,. Her research interests include wireless MAC protocols of WLAN, power saving mechanism, simulations and performance analysis of computer networks.