Objective To identify the characteristics of the bone conducted ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential(BC-oVEMP) in the young normal Chinese subjects.Methods Twenty normal subjects were recruited for conventional examinations of oVEMP.Bone conducted vibration was delivered through a bone vibrator, a power amplifier and auditory evoked response recording system. The threshold of oVEMP in each ear was examined: patterns of these waves were observed and the normal ranges of the oVEMP waves responded to 141.1 dBFL were calculated. Results All subjects were elicited with normal oVEMP with N1 and P1 waves in both ears.The response rate in these subjects was 100%. The latency of N1 was 10.31±0.51ms, latency of P1 was 15.14±1.48ms, interval N1-PI was 4.83±1.28ms, amplitude was 10.91±5.02μV.Conclusions BC-oVEMP is a clinically practical way of measuring utricular function simply, safely and quickly. Compared with air-conducted oVEMP, it has greater amplitude and doesn't depend on air conducted structures, thus it's more stable and effective.