目的:对中医治疗健忘或痴呆的中药方剂进行用药规律分析。方法:以痴呆或健忘为关健词.从中国方剂数据库中收集数据。除描述性分析外,采用购物篮分析来探讨药物配伍。购物篮分析部分采用SAS 9.1 for Windows中的Enterprise Miner模块为挖掘工具。结果:中医治疗痴呆的药物共23类.其中占最多的是补虚药,共有50种,其次为其它类(47次)、清热药(25次)、解表药(18次)及收敛固涩药(14次)。用药频次前了位为补虚药(669次,29%)、安神药(340次,14.8%)和清热药(238次,10.3%)。补虚药的核心药物为人参、当归及熟地:安神药的核心药物为远志、酸枣仁及朱砂;清热药的核心药物为甘草、生地及黄连。二味药购物篮分析表得出,交易数最大的前七种关联规则为:茯苓==〉远志;茯神==〉远志;茯苓==〉人参;石菖蒲==〉远志;熟地==〉远志;酸枣仁==〉远志;酸枣仁==〉人参。结论:根据用药频次统计及数据挖掘发现中医治疗健忘或痴呆.其基本思路是从心不藏神来论治,中医认为此等病症病理上属本虚标实,故尤重补虚药、安神药、清热药之使用。
Objective:To discover meaningful and hidden patterns of Chinese drug compatibility used for amnesia and/or dementias.Methods:Data source used in this study came from Chinese Decoction data base.After using dementia or amnesia as keyword,197 decoctions were collected and processed for data mining.After description analysis,association rules of mining were also performed using SAS 9.1 Enterprise Miner.Results:The commonly used drugs in Alzheimer's treatment belong to a variety of different categories.Arranged in decreasing order of frequency, they were tonics, tranquilizers and antipyretics.They accounted for 29%,14.8% and 10.3% of the total frequency,respectively.The frequently used drugs in tonics were Renshen,Danggui and Shudihuang.In tranquilizers,they were Yuanzhi,Suanzaoren and Zhusha.In antipyretics,they were Gancao,Dihuang and Huanglian.Association rule of mining showed the following patterns:the drug compatibility associations,in decreasing order of transaction,were Fuling ==〉 Yuanzhi,Fushen==〉Yuanzhi,Fuling==〉Renshen,Shichangpu==〉 Yuanzhi, Shudihuang==〉Yuanzhi,Suanzaoren ==〉Yuanzhi,Suanzaoren==〉Renshen.This implied that the major component of drug compatibility went tranquilizers,especially Suanzaoren and Yuanzhi.Conclusion.Inferring from the above descriptive analysis and association rules of mining,we found that traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) mostly treat Alzheimer's disease as a kind of "heart"disease. Because based upon one of popular TCM theories: the heart dominates all mental activities.The underlying pathophysiology is deficiency of "root"viscera followed by excess of "branch"viscera.The use of tonics,tranquilizers and antipyretics should be stressed in Alzheimer's treatment.