The absorption effect of actual subsurface media can weaken wavefield energy, decrease the dominating frequency, and further lead to reduced resolution. In migration, some actions can be taken to compensate for the absorption effect and enhance the resolution. In this paper, we derive a one-way wave equation with an attenuation term based on the time- space domain high angle one-way wave equation. A complicated geological model is then designed and synthetic shot gathers are simulated with acoustic wave equations without and with an absorbing term. The derived one-way wave equation is applied to the migration of the synthetic gathers without and with attenuation compensation for the simulated shot gathers. Three migration profiles are obtained. The first and second profiles are from the shot gathers without and with attenuation using the migration method without compensation, the third one is from the shot gathers with attenuation using the migration method with compensation. The first and third profiles are almost the same, and the second profile is different from the others below the absorptive layers. The amplitudes of the interfaces below the absorptive layers are weak because of their absorption. This method is also applied to field data. It is concluded from the migration examples that the migration method discussed in this paper is feasible.