传统的信任模型在域间路由系统中存在着证书管理困难等问题。针对域间路由系统结构的特点,提出一种新的信任模型-TTM(Translator Trust Model).分析结果表明,TTM在满足一定安全需求的基础上,其证书规模仅为传统模型的1%,具有良好的规模可扩展性.
The main problem of traditional trust model in inter-domain routing is the diffieuhv of certificate management.We have studied the architecture property of iuter-domain routing system,and proposed TFM (Translator Trust Model) as a new trust model.Analytical results demonstrate the TTM can satisfy the request of inter-domain routing security and has good sealabilitv.The number of the used certificates is about 1% of the traditional model.