Sulfonamides(SA) are widely used as human and veterinary pharmaceuticals.They are unavoidably discharged into the aquatic and soil environments.The environmental behavior and risk assessment of antibiotics have attracted special research attention.As the main sink of organic pollutants,soil controls their mobility and transformation,sequentially affects their bioavailability and environmental risk.This study used the paddy soil from Yuan Yang as the model adsorbent to investigate the sorption behavior of sulfamethoxazole on soil.The adsorption of sulfamethoxazole on paddy soil(Kd:1.33—5.08) was higher than that on the background soil without farming(Kd:0.27—1.53).A good positive relationship existed between sorption and C-content(0.953,0.917) or O+N+S-content(0.769,0.809).The higher correlation coefficient between sorption and C-content indicated that the sorption of sulfamethoxazole was likely controlled by organic carbon.The hydrophobic sites were mainly contributed to the sorption by hydrophobic interaction which was the dominant sorption mechanism.