Suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples were collected along the Changjiang mainstream in summer and winter 2007 to investigate the distribution of organic particulate organic carbon (POC) concentra- tions and the stable isotopic composition of POC (813C) within the river system. The results indicate that the POC% has a range from 0.4% to 1.3% in summer and 0. 7% to 2. 2% in winter. The mean ^13C values of the POC in winter and summer are --24.74‰,--24. 83‰, respectively. The C/N ratio has no significant seasonal variability. The 813 C values of upper reaches are higher than the values of the middle and lower reaches in win ter (low flow season), The relative decrease in δ^13C values during the low flow season from the upper to lower reaches could be interpreted as the result of an increase in the soil erosion rate and channel erosion in the middle and lower reaches after dam construction, except for flood events during which rivers are also strongly influ- enced by relative more contribution of phytoplankton from the middle and lower reaches. We got a total organic carbon flux of 1.46 Mt/a after impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam which could have caused a sharp reduction in sediment load of the Changjiang River.