M OOC的出现,引发了高等教育教学模式的变革,作为教学辅助机构的图书馆必须应势而为,直面挑战。文章在论述M OOC的特点及对传统教育产生巨大冲击的基础上,提出M OOC背景下高校图书馆服务的转型与创新策略。从6个方面参与M OOC ,做好相应的服务:多途径嵌入信息素养教育,提供M OOC课程;加强参考咨询工作,推介M OOC课程;提高学科馆员的专业水平,嵌入M OOC服务;建设信息共享空间,为学生提供M OOC最佳学习环境;深化教学参考系统的建设,提供MOOC资源导航;在版权范围内,最大程度地获取教学资源,为MOOC保驾护航。同时,图书馆在观念、政策、资源、技术、服务等方面进行一系列重大转变,建立起与大规模开放学习时代相适应的新型服务体系。
T he emergence of M OOC has sparked the changes in higher education teaching mode .Library ,as a teaching-aided department ,shall lend itself to the challenge .Discussion is made on the characteristics of M OOC and its impact on traditional education , and an M OOC-oriented transformation and innovation strategy on library services is proposed .Six parts are included to make the appropriate services ,including :preparing multi-channel embedded information for the education courses ,strengthening the reference and introduction w ork , raising the professional level of librarians , building the information-sharing space , providing students with the best learning environment ,deepening the construction of teaching reference system ,establishing curriculum resources navigation ,and accessing to teaching resources copyrighted to the great extent .MOOC has brought great changes in the library in terms of concepts ,policies ,resources , technologies ,and services ,and in turn the library shall form a new service system adaptable to the era of open learning .