Based on the detailed geological field investigation, the Paleozoic and Upper Proterozoic tectonic deformation in Xu-Huai region was studied, and the significant difference between the Paleozoic and Upper Proterozoic deformation characteristics was found. The Paleozoic was based on a strong, dosed or overturned fold. The statistical analysis results showed that these fold axial planes mostly tilted to the south east, and were accompanied by a series of thrust structures with thrusting from south east to north west. The stratigraphic shortening amount was up to 40. 5%-62. 4%. The Upper Proterozoic tectonic deformation was relatively weak, with wide and gentle folds mainly faulting to slide along the floor and small brittle faults, and mainly constituted Jura tectonic portfolio in which the kicker manifestation was the main type. The shortening amount of Upper Proterozoic was about 15% according to the balanced section estimation. It is suggested that the Upper Proterozoic is a strong dry layer along with both the upper and lower levels of shear slip, and with the basal detachment, it has developed the Jura folds tectonic portfolio, while sliding along the upper level provides the necessary and sufficient condition for the massive stretch slip cover of Paleozoic.