以青藏高原东部的毛茛状金莲花为实验材料,选择2个不同海拔地点(合作,2 940 m和玛曲,3 530 m),在花蕾期,对植物分别进行去萼,去瓣,去雄处理;并在整个花期连续观察访花昆虫的类别和访花频率。结果表明,去萼和去瓣处理后,蝇类的访花频率在合作(0.033与0.114次/花.min)和玛曲(0.065与0.133次/花.min),都显著小于对照组;因此花部结构中的萼片、花瓣对蝇类的访花是重要的吸引结构。去萼处理后,蜂类的访花频率在合作(0.266次/花.min)和玛曲(0.006次/花.min)都显著小于对照组;去雄处理后,蜂类的访花频率在合作(0.444次/花.min)与对照组有显著差异,在玛曲(0.010 8次/花.min)则差异不显著;因此,花部结构中的萼片、雄蕊对蜂类访花是重要的吸引结构。两地的所有处理对蚁类的访花频率均无影响,表明毛茛状金莲花各花部结构对蚁类访花没有明显的吸引作用。
The attractive function of different floral parts of Trollius ranunculoides was studied in two popula- tions distributed in the east Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The sepals, petals, and stamens were separately removed, and the types, of visitors and visiting frequency were recorded. After separately removing the sepals and petals, the visiting frequencies of flies in Hezuo (0. 033 and 0. 114 time/flower · min) and Maqu (0. 065 and 0. 133 time/flower ·min) were significantly less than those of the control, indicating that the sepals and the petals of T. ranunculoides were important structures to attract flies. Furthermore, after separately removing the sepals, the visiting frequencies of bees in Hezuo (0. 266 times/flower · min) and Maqu (0. 006 times/flower · min) were significantly less than that of the controls. After separately removing the stamens, the visiting frequency of bees in Hezuo (0. 444 times/flower · min) was also significantly less than that of the control, but in Maqu (0. 010 8 times/flower · min), there was no difference. The sepals and the stamens were important attractive structures for bees. These floral structures were not preferentially visited by ants indicating that they were ineffective in attracting them.