Over-imitation means that children copy a series of goal-oriented actions and also actions irrelevant to the goal. This phenomenon is prevalent among preschoolers. This article focuses on what causes this "unwise" behavior, and the probable adaptive role it plays in children's development. According to Automatic Causal Encoding (ACE) hypothesis, children over-imitate because they automatically encode the irrelevant actions as causally necessary actions to the goal. Contrary to ACE hypothesis, researchers for norm learning theory found that over-imitators didn't take the unnecessary actions as causal actions when asked to explain their behaviors. Instead, they often used normative language to point out others' omission of these actions. Social affiliation motivation hypothesis suggested that children imitate because they want to build social bonds with the demonstrator. Over-imitation brings some benefits for children as well as human culture. Firstly, it serves as a learning strategy especially under an "opaque" environment. Secondly, over-imitation helps promote social adaptation. Thirdly, over-imitation keeps cultural transmission. So in tool-learning, adults should instruct kids to avoid the unnecessary actions. However, imitation could be used as an effective peer- interaction method and passing down traditional cultures to the next generation.