Tillandsia is a kind of soilless plant also known as air plants that their roots don' t absorb the nutrients into the plant. These plants were selected to carry out a monitoring study of air pollution in many countries. These plants absorb water and nutrients from the atmosphere and their hosts through pre- cipitation and dry deposition. They accumulate pollutants that can be detected in their tissue by monito- ring. Heavy metals accumulation by Tillandsia was measured to identify the main emission source of pol-lutants. For this purpose, the sampling sites were categorized on the basis of land use patterns, human activities and distance from the emission source of heavy metals. The area was categorized into rural-agri- cultural, urban, industrial and vehicular-traffic. Tillandsia is an ideal plant to use in this type of study because they can grow in different climates. Due to this flexibility and special characteristic, many re-searchers conclude that Tillandsia is an efficient metal accumulator in passive biomonitoring studies. U- sing Tillandsia in the determination of environment pollution as a biomonitor has several advantages such as low cost, easy sampling and the possibility of different sites monitoring over a long period of time.