In view of the problem that the relative positioning accuracy of the w heeled mobile free variable domain device related to the ground is relatively low ,and that the positioning ac‐curacy of free field operating machine for processing operation is relatively high ,a two‐level po‐sitioning method of freedom field machine is presented ,which uses ultrasonic sensors to com‐plete the first level positioning between the wheeled walking device and the operating table , then uses the vision sensors to complete the second level positioning between the operating ma‐chine and the operated object .The experimental results show that the first step based on the ultrasonic sensor can effectively improve the positioning accuracy of the w heeled mobile varia‐ble domain device ,and the second level positioning based on the visual sensor is further com‐pensated for the first stage positioning accuracy based on the ultrasonic sensor ,so two‐level po‐sitioning can effectively meet the requirements of accurate positioning of the operating machine related to the operated object .