The financial literacy plays an important role in family financial activities, the impact of which becomes increas-ingly significant on household financial behaviour. Based on the survey data of consumer finance among China~ urban residents in2012, we study the influence of financial literacy overconfidence on household participation in stock market. The study finds thatfinancial literacy overconfidence has a significant positive impact on participation behaviour in stock market, on the amount ofstock assets held by households and on the proportion of stock assets in the financial assets. At the same time, for the stock-hold-ing households, the impact on the proportion of stock assets in the financial assets structure is U shape. Further analysis showsthat financial literacy overconfidence will enhance risk appetite, and ultimately lead to an increase in the participation rate instock market. Accordingly, this paper suggests the government should increase the supply of financial education, improve the res-idents J financial literacy and enhance their risk awareness to help consumers rationally participate in stock market.