Cupric glutamate was studied as a novel algicide for marine harmful algae and hexadecyltrimethyleamine bromide (HDTMAB) as an accelerant. The studies on the extinguishment of Alexandrium sp. by cupric sulfate or cupric glutamate showed that cupric glutamate had a higher extinguishing rate than cupric sulfate. Cupric glutamate had an excellent ability to inhibit the growth of Alexandrium sp. , but the inhibition efficiency did not increase with higher cupric glutamate concentration. HDTMAB could stimulate the extinguishments by cupric glutamate obviously. There was a positive correlation between concentration of HDTMAB and increasing effect. Study of the mechanism of the extinguishment of Alexandrium sp. showed that cupric glutamate stimulated the production of MDA and reduced the content of sulfhydryl group. The lipid peroxidation level in cells was higher under cupric glutamate-surfactant joint operation than cupric glutamate alone. In addition of the content of sulfhydryl group decreased significantly, plasma membrane permeability of leaked cell solution was increased. These indicated the extinguishing mechanism: the cell membrane was damaged followed by the inhibition of the cell growth.