利用虚拟化平台VMware vSphere实现高校数据中心的设备与应用整合,提出用最佳、折衷、经济和付费等4种策略解决现有数据中心服务器与存储系统的虚拟化整合问题。阐述虚拟化的相关概念和分类,给出高校数据中心虚拟化技术整合的具体步骤,数据中心通过虚拟化整合动态地改善IT基础架构的性能和效率,实现应用的快速部署和备份的快速恢复、性能集中监控和告警及资源灵活调度。
The traditional pattern of "single application on a single device" in data centers in universities resulted in a lot of problems such as low utilization of equipment and high investment in operation and maintenance.This paper described the integration and application of equipment in data centers in universities by using virtualization platform of VMware vSphere.It also gives concrete steps for the integration and virtualization.Practice shows that after the integration and virtualization the utilization rate of equipment is increased while the cost in operation and maintenance decreased.