Abstract: A microstructure-based wormlike chain (WLC) model was proposed for semiflexible tubular polymers taking into account their hollow tube microstructure with locally orthotropic elastic properties. Closed-form analytical solutions were obtained for the stretching behaviors and undulation space of such polymers. The results show that, in its physiologically important range of contour length L from I to 20 μm, microtubule, a typical semiflexible tubular polymer, exhibits a stretching stiffness k that scales with L as k~L^-1.3, compared with the classical WLC behavior of k~L^-4, and that the average search space of a micro- tubule scales as V-L^2.5, compared with the classical WLC behavior of V-L^4. It was speculated that the unique properties of microtubules may have profound implications for their biological functions such as search and positioning of organelles.