介质混合物的等效介电系数是微波化学研究中的一个重要内容.本文在微波频率下,利用微扰法测量了有机二元体系的等效介电系数.测试结果显示:在二元混合体系中,当两组元的等效介电系数实部接近而虚部相差较大或虚部接近而实部相差较大时,介质混合物的等效介电系数的实部(或虚部)随体积比变化过程中,会出现大于其中任何一种组份的介电系数实部(或虚部)的峰值.本文中,利用对称Bruggeman理论对这一与Clausius-Mossotti、 Onsager和Kirkwood等传统理论相悖的新特性进行了合理的解释与分析.
The study on the effective permittivity of mixed solution is an important work to Microwave-Chemistry. Some new characteristics of effective permittivities of mixed solution have been found and can not be explained by the classic theory, such as Clausius-Mossotti' s, Onsager' s and Kirkwood' s formulas. The effective permittivity for biphase organic solution at microwave frequency has been obtained by the perturbation method. The results show that the real part ( or the imaginary part) of the effective permittivity may has a peak value with respect to the fraction of volume. Where the effective permitfivity is larger than any of that of the components while the real part of permittivity ( or the imaginary part) of components is closed to each other and the imaginary part of permittivity (or the real part) is quite different. The analysis has been done to explain this new characteristics of effective permittivities by the symmetric Bruggrman ~ theory.