提出并研制了一种与距离无关的等精度混沌激光相关法光纤断点定位仪。该光纤断点定位仪采用光反馈半导体激光器产生的宽带混沌激光作为光源,利用相关法实现对光纤网络反射事件的定位。测试结果表明,该光纤断点定位仪可实现0.5 m且与距离无关的等精度检测,其4%菲涅耳反射光动态范围为19.8 dB,灵敏度小于-58 dB。
A chaotic-laser-correlation fiber-network-faults locator is developed.Utilizing the broad bandwidth chaotic light emitted from a laser diode with optical feedback as the probe beam,it can locate the reflection events along fiber by the correlation characteristics of chaotic light.Measurement results show the faults locator can obtain 0.5 m range-independent spatial resolution,19.8 dB dynamic range of 4% reflection and lower than-58 dB sensitivity.