Full and equal public participation is not only the object but also the means to improv- ing water resources. Based on the gender data, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was built in the paper to research the famer' s cognition of and response to Participatory Water Resources of the area, through a comparison between males and females. The results show that observed variables have significant impact on latent variables in the measurement model. The model' s fit is good overall and the theoretical model and assumptions are correct. The model is also stable in cross-group validation test. Mean test results show that the cognitive level of males is slightly higher than that of the females. Females' satis- faction level of Water Users Association service is slightly higher than that of males, but both cognitive level and satisfaction level are not significantly different between male and female groups. Males' will- ingness to participate in the Water Users Association management is significantly higher than that of fe- males. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken to ensure both females and males adequately, extensively and fairly participate in water resources management, which is necessary for sustainable de- velopment of water resources management and gender equality.