介绍探地雷达和高频面波检测隧道衬砌的原理和使用方法,结合数据采集(系统)和处理过程,分别对各自的成像效果进行分析和对比,阐述 2种技术在隧道衬砌中检测范围的不同点和相同点.通过 2种技术在隧道衬砌中的应用,说明其对隧道衬砌厚度的拾取有着很好的效果,但是,探地雷达能很好地反映隧道衬砌内部水的存在和位置,而高频面波对隧道衬砌是否密实有很好的判断.
This paper described the principles and methods of high-frequency surface wave and groundpenetrating radar in the detection of tunnel lining, then described the differences and similarities in the tunnellining detection through analysis and contrast of the image. The results show that both techniques have a goodeffect in the thickness pickup of tunnel lining. The ground-penetrating radar can reflect the presence and locationof water inside the tunnel lining, while high-frequency surface wave technology dense surface wave has a goodjudgment of the density of tunnel lining.