从过度依赖个人感情或关系到培育市场职能(营销、创新)的转变,是新创企业由"求生存"过渡为"求发展"的关键。这一转变不仅源自于企业发展的内在需要以及关系网络的局限,而且根植于我国转型过程中的两类并存体制环境及其动态变化。基于世界银行调研数据的三方交互效应检验(3-way interaction)发现,外部关系与内部投入虽然可能相互替代,也可能互补;管理自主权是推动二者互补的"催化剂"。此外,研究还发现,商业关系(客户或供应商)对两类职能呈倒U型曲线效应,这表明盲目、过度地依赖关系日益产生的负面效应可能会超过其初始的积极作用。
It is of the key importance to develop market-based functions in terms of innovation and marketing but not excessively rely on personal relations or emotions,if a new venture pursues a sustainable development.The negative effects of managerial ties and the requirements of China's transition into market mechanism demand an increasing role of market-based functions.There are usually two pathways to develop market-based assets,i.e.,external ties(business and political)and internal investment(RD and marketing intensity).The results illustrate a substitute not complementary relationship of the two strategies.Furthermore,managerial discretion can promote their complementarity.The results also illustrate an inverted U curvilinear relationship between ties and market-based assets.