Experiments show that yellow-green beryls can be transformed into aquamarines by using appropriate heat treatment. However, in jewelry market, the price of natural aqua- marine is quite different from that of heat-treated aquamarine. Thus exploring diagnostic i- dentification characteristics of heat-treated aquamarine is of great importance. Previous iden- tifications of heat-treated aquamarine were their internal inclusion characteristics, which were observed through microscope. However, it was difficult to identify flawless aquamarines. The authors selected some samples from Altay to treat under a reducing atmosphere at differ- ent temperatures for 3 hours. Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and Raman spectros- copy were used to explore the characteristic absorption peaks of the heat-treated samples. The results show when the heating temperature is above 400°C, the peak caused by the stretching vibration of [Fe2 (OH)4]2+ at 3 233 cm-1 is significantly reduced or even disap- peared and the sharp absorption peak around 5 268 cm-1 caused by H20 becomes wide andgentle. The relative intensity of absorption peak at 8 700 and 6 818 cm 1 caused by H20 weakens as the heating temperature is elevated. It is found that the Raman spectral intensity at 682 and 3 604 cm 1caused by stretching vibration of Si--O--Si reduce as the heating tem- perature rises, and spectral intensity at 1 070 cm-1 decreases. After heat treatment at 700~C, the baseline of Raman spectrum drifts upward obviously.