以野生大豆(Glycine Soja)为材料,利用酵母单杂交的方法筛选到一个能够与DRE元件(DehydrationResponsive Element)结合转录因子-GsDREB(DRE Binding protein).通过体内和体外结合试验分析,该转录因子能够与DRE元件结合,经序列分析,GsDREB氨基酸序列N-末端含有核定位信号(nuclear localization sig-nal,NLS)、在C-末端含有酸性活性区域(acidic activation region,AAR),在序列内部具有由58个氨基酸编码的、能够与DNA结合的保守区域-DREBP/AP2结构域.该蛋白可能是野生大豆DREB家族的新成员.
A new DREB gene was screened from Glycine Soja by yeast one-hybrid system. It can bind to dehydration responsive element (DRE) in vitro and in vivo, named as DRE binding protein (GsDREB). The predicted GsDREB protein contains a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the N-terminal, an acidic activation region (AAR) in the C-terminal, and a putative AP2 DNA-binding domain contains 58 conserved amino acid in the midst. So it may be a new member of DREB family in wild soybean.