为了提高传输可靠性,各种差错控制编码技术已经被广泛应用在弹载武器数据链系统中。RS( Reed-Solomon)码具有很强的抗错误能力,且码长可以灵活控制,十分适合在弹载数据链系统中应用。设计了三种不同码率的RS码,并在修正的欧几里德算法基础上进一步优化,实现了一种新型RS码实时译码器。为减少系统复杂度,该译码器复用4组基本运算单元以完成错误位置多项式和错误值多项式计算,同时也没有插入额外的流水线结构,译码过程所需的GF(28)域求逆运算则通过查找表结构实现。整个设计已经在Altera公司的EP2 S15器件上通过综合和验证,与同类设计相比占用资源大大减少,适合于高可靠性导弹数据链系统开发。
To improve transmission reliability, Forward Error Correction ( FEC ) techniques have been widely used in many missile-borne weapon data link systems. Reed-Solomon(RS) code has been proved to be effi-cient for correcting error. Also,its code length can be controlled flexibly,showing great advantage for missile-borne data link system. Three different RS codes are designed to adapt different environment. Furthermore,the widely used Modified Euclidean Algorithm for RS decoding is improved. A novel real-time RS decoder archi-tecture is presented. To attain lower complexity,4 basic calculation cells of decoder are multiplexed internally to solve the error-locator polynomial and error value polynomial. No additional pipeline architecture is inserted. Besides,the complicated inverse operation over GF(28) is completed via Look-up Table(LUT). The whole de-sign has been implemented successfully on EP2S15 FPGA chip of Altera Corp. Compared with existing RS de-coders,the proposed architecture can reduce hardware resources greatly while still meeting required perform-ance. So the presented strategy is much suitable for high-reliability missile data link system design.