To solve the problems that CT (compressive tracking) algorithm does not consider deform‐ation ,occlusion ,illumination changes and other issues ,an ICT (improved compressive tracking ) al‐gorithm was proposed .Using Kalman ,the target state in the next frame was predicted in order to re‐duce the search field and the target trajectory was estimated when the target was occlusive .ORB (ori‐ented binary robust independent elementary features ) matching algorithm was applied to track the de‐formation target and determine the occlusion of target .The ORB match tracking ,CT detection and Bayesian learning were combined ,so that the optimal result could be output through fusing ORB match tracking and CT detection .Thus ,the influence of illumination changes was weakened ,tracking frame rate was improved ,and robustness was enhanced .Experimental results show that the ICT algo‐rithm can accurately track the target under deformation and occlusion ,tracking results of w hich in a variety of tracking data sets exhibit a higher robustness and accuracy ,and the ICT algorithm has a good real‐time with the average frame rate achieving 74 .137 Hz .