定向扩散(directed diffusion,DD)协议的兴趣扩散和发送探测分组数据阶段,采用的洪泛方式能量开销较大。先对定向扩散协议进行研究分析,提出利用节点的区域信息控制兴趣数据包的转发和通过最佳跳数值控制探测数据的扩散范围。最后通过仿真验证改进的定向扩散协议具有更好的节能性和适应性。
In directed diffusion routing, the flooding method used in the initial interest diffusion sfage and exploratory data diffusion stage leads to more energy expenses. At first the article analyses directed diffusion routing, then poposes a way which uses nodes' regional information to control the initial interest diffusion and the diffusion of exploratory message with optimal hops. The simulation results show that this new approach has better performance in energy efficiency and applicability.