基于我国53个国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物调查与24个国家级自然保护区外来入侵动物调查数据,分析了外来入侵物种种类、分布状况等。调查共发现外来入侵物种201种,包括入侵植物176种和入侵动物25种。52.08%的外来入侵植物已入侵到我国国家级自然保护区,30个国家级自然保护区受外来入侵物种影响显著,52个国家级自然保护区分布有环保部公布的外来物种。云南纳板河流域国家级自然保护区外来入侵物种数目最多,为61种;小蓬草(Erigeron canadwnsis)在国家级自然保护区中的出现频率最高,为0.736。外来入侵物种已严重威胁我国自然保护区的生态安全,亟需对保护区的外来入侵物种采取相应的防控措施,推进外来入侵物种管理成为保护区管理工作的基本内容。
Invasive alien species(IAS) are one of the most important direct drivers of biodiversity loss and ecosystem service change. We summarized IAS in Chinese national nature reserves(CNNR). There were 201 kinds of invasive alien species including 176 plant species in 53 CNNRs and 24 animal species in 24 NNRs. 52.08% alien plant species invaded into national nature reserves in China. Thirty of these reserves were obviously affected by IAS. Fifty-two CNNRs were distributed with notorious IAS announced by Ministry of Environmental Protection. Nabanhe CNNR had 61 different species of IAS which was the highest variety among all the fifty-three CNNRs. The most often occurred IAS was Erigeron canadwnsis with the occurrence percentage of 73.6. Invasive alien species may threaten Chinese national nature reserves, so we must take actions to prevent and control those IAS in time. Mainstreaming IAS management into overall protected areas management is now waiting to be done.