Identification of nuclear pulse signal is ofimportance in radioactive measurements, especially inrecognizing adjacent overlapping nuclear pulses. In thisarticle, we propose an estimation method for parameters oftypical overlapping nuclear pulse signals. First, the nuclearpulses are regarded as individual genes and the norm is setas the fitness function. Second, the global optimal solutionis found by searching the population of genetic algorithm,so as to estimate the parameters of nuclear pulse. With highprecision, this method can identify parameters of overlappingnuclear pulses in the Sallen-Key Gaussian signaldecomposition experiments. This pulse recognition methodis of great significance to improve the precision ofradioactive measurement and is suitable for serious overlapof nuclear pluses.
Identification of nuclear pulse signal is of importance in radioactive measurements, especially in recognizing adjacent overlapping nuclear pulses. In this article, we propose an estimation method for parameters of typical overlapping nuclear pulse signals. First, the nuclear pulses are regarded as individual genes and the norm is set as the fitness function. Second, the global optimal solution is found by searching the population of genetic algorithm, so as to estimate the parameters of nuclear pulse. With high precision, this method can identify parameters of overlapping nuclear pulses in the Sallen-Key Gaussian signal decomposition experiments. This pulse recognition method is of great significance to improve the precision of radioactive measurement and is suitable for serious overlap of nuclear pluses.