文章利用全球首颗专用温室气体观测卫星"呼吸号"(GOSAT)上的被动红外探测器(TANSO)官方反演的CH4浓度L4B数据产品研究2009年6月-2012年5月期间中国区域近地面975 hPa和高空400、250 hPa高度CH4浓度数据通过与中国地区全球大气本底站(瓦里关站)的数据进行比对验证,剔除L4B中的不合理数据,分析其分布的时空变化特征,同时分析了中国区域对流层和瓦里关站CH4 2009-2012年间的变化情况以及增长率并将瓦里关站与TCCON全球CH4地面观测站点数据进行分析比较。结果表明:中国区域CH4分布在垂直方向上随高度增加而逐渐下降,CH4主要分布在华北地区,且春夏季节较为强烈,中高层CH4呈增长趋势,而瓦里关站则有下降的趋势。
GOSAT is the first earth observing satellite to measure the greenhouse gases throughout the world.It's equipped with thermal and near-infrared sensor(TANSO)for carbon observation.The paper employs the government retrieval dataproduct of the methane density in the level 4B and collects data near surface-975 hPa and upper air 400 hPa,250 hPa during July 2009 and May 2012.The irrelevant data is deleted after comparing and verifying the data between Chinese global atmosphere base observatory site(Waliguan site) and the GOSAT.Temporal and spatial characteristics of the methane density near surface and in the upper air are analyzed.Analyses are also made concerning changes and growth rate in the troposphere of China and at Waliguan site during July 2009 and May 2012.The data from Waliguan site and the TCCON global methane measuring sites is also compared.The results indicate that the vertical distribution of the methane decreases as the altitude increases in China.The methane is mainly distributed in North China,and reaches its highest level in spring and summer.The methane density distributes in the middle and high level tends to rise but displays a decline trend at Waliguan site.