针对城市高强度开发片区普遍存在的交通拥堵问题,研究提出在控规编制中引入以路网承载力反推土地开发强度的技术思路,借助 OD 反推技术,建立地块发生、吸引交通量与容积率之间的约束关系,并建立与控规编制相衔接的具体工作流程;通过对地块间交通流分布的特性进行分析,提出以路网容量利用最大化为目标的容积率调整策略,以有效控制可能产生的交通问题,确保交通与土地利用的协调发展。
Traffic jam is getting common in high density areas. The paper raises road capacity analysis approach for land development intensity decision. OD analysis is used to set up traffic flow and FAR relation, and a process between OD analysis and regulatory planning is established. On the basis of the analysis, FAR adjustment is carried out for maximizing road capacity. The approach wil help evade possible transportation problems, and realize coordinate development of transportation and land use.