A class of new vector valued generalized convex mappings--D-η-E-semipreinvex mappings, as a true generalization of the E-preinvex mappings and the D-η-semipreinvex map- pings, were given. First, several examples were presented to show the existence of the E-semiinvex sets and the D-y-E-semipreinvex mappings. Second, a decision criterion for the D-η-E- semipreinvex mappings was introduced, and the relationships among the D-~q-E-semipreinvexity, the D-η-E- strict semipreinvexity and the D-η-E- semistrict semipreinvexity were discussed. Finally, an important application of the D-η-E-semistrictly semipreinvexity to vector optimization with implicit constraint was discussed, then some examples were given to prove the main conclusions.