目的 探讨中年人群血清瘦素水平与代谢综合征(MS)及其组分的关系。方法 对345例“宫内发育与成人疾病”研究队列人群(男184例、女161例,年龄46~53岁)的身高、体重、血压、血脂、血糖、胰岛素及血清瘦素进行测定,采用稳态模式评估法计算胰岛素抵抗指数。根据2005年国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)关于MS的定义进行诊断。结果 该群体中心性肥胖、高甘油三酯、低的高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL.C)、高血糖、高血压及MS检出率分别为53.0%、47.5%、34.2%、26.7%、33.9%和31.9%;女性血清瘦素水平几何均数为男性的2.9倍,随着血清瘦素浓度的升高,该人群的MS及组分异常检出率明显上升,除男性组HDL-C指标外,不同血清瘦素水平与MS及组分比较均有显著统计学意义(P〈0.05),且随着代谢异常组分个数的增多血清瘦素水平呈上升趋势,呈显著正相关(P〈0.001)。结论 该人群的血清瘦素水平与MS及组分密切相关,提示高瘦素血症可能是MS的一个新成分,可作为筛查MS及相关疾病的一个指标。
Objective To explore the relationship between serum level of leptin and the components of metabolie syndrome in a group of mid-aged Chinese population. Methods 345 adults ( 184 men and 161 women) aged 46--53 were enrolled from Fetal Origin of Adult Disease (FOAD) eohort to partieipate the elinie examination ineluding anthropometry, measurements of blood pressure, fasting and 2hr plasma levels of glueose and insulin, serum levels of lipid and leptin. HOMA-IR index was ealeulated to estimate individual insulin resistanee. Metabolie syndrome (MS) was diagnosed aeeording to the definition eriteria issued by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2005. Results The prevalenees of eentral obesity, higher serum level of triglyeeride ( TG), lower serum level of high -density lipoprotein ( HDL-C ), IFG, higher blood pressure and MS were 53.0% ,47. 5% ,34. 2% ,26. 7% ,33.9% ,31.9% in this midaged population , respeetively. Serum geometrie mean level of leptin was higher in femals than in males. Serum level of leptin inereased with the prevalenee of MS and eomponents of abnormal metabolism . The serum level of leptin eompared with eentral obesity, higher blood pressure, higher serum level of triglyeeride (TG), lower serum level of high -density lipoprotein eholesterol(HDL-C), IFG and MS was signifieantly higher respeetively ( P 〈 0. 05) without HDL-C in males. The serum level of leptin inereased with the number of eomponents of abnormal metabolism subjeets had (P 〈 0. 001 ). Conclusion The serum level of leptin in this population is signifieantly assoeiated with MS and eomponents of MS. Hypeleptinaemia eould be a new eomponent of metabolie syndrome . It might be a target in seleetion of MS and relative diseases.