Regional economic disparities in Guangdong province present an invert U-shaped change during 1994 -2013, accompanied with changes in the economic growth, but with a slight lag. After 2005, espe- cially after 2008, along with the implementation of a series of relevant policies in Guangdong's industrial transfer and "double transfer" strategy, the province's regional economy shows a significant convergence, and regional disparities go back down to the end of the century. Throughout the study period, the province's 21 prefecture-level cities show a weak club convergence. What has influenced the regional economic conver- gence of Guangdong is mainly the Gradient gap between the Pearl River Delta and other areas, and the main disparity of inner-zone is the Pearl River Delta gap. It is suggested to constantly promote the "double trans- fer" strategy in the future, to maintain a good momentum of recent years, and to restrain and prevent the dis- parity rebound of regional economy. As to three outer cities of the Pearl River Delta and traditional mountain flanks, we can take two patterns of spacial industry transfer, namely, progressive diffusion and jump diffu- sion, and implement point-axis development strategy and growth strategy.