To explore the species compositions and distributions of large jellyfishes at the beginning of the traditional jellyfish blooming season in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, a comprehensive fishery survey was designed and conducted aboard the R/V Beidou in May 2015. Jellyfish were sampled using a bottom trawl in codend net mesh size 24mm in 120 stations ranging 30~N--39~N in the Yellow Sea and the northern part of the East China Sea. The dominant large jellyfish species, their bell size, and biomass were recorded. Jellyfish included Ulmaridae, Aequorea spp., and Cyanea spp., Nemopilema nomurai, Liriope tetraphylla, and a species of Ulmaridae. The bell size frequency of these species followed normal distributions with a single peak. In addition, the total biomass of large jellyfish was estimated for about 59 000 t, mostly Ulmaridae and Aequorea spp. in the central part of the Yellow Sea. Ulmaridae and Aequorea spp. were the most common and abundant species in the Yellow Sea, but the former was limited mainly in 50 m and deeper waters, while the latter preferred to the shallower water in the depth less than 50m. In addition, Aequorea spp. also occurred frequently throughout the northern part of the East China Sea. N. nomurai, Cyanea spp. and L. tetraphylla were common in the northern part of the East China Sea. Most individuals of N. nomurai were juvenile medusa, and they occurred in a narrow transition area (3 1°N--33°N) between the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Cyanea spp. concentrated from inshore to the south of 3 I°N in the East China Sea. L. tetraphylla abounded in a few inshore stations of the northern part of East China Sea. N. nomurai and L. tetraphylla were eurythmic in a wider temperature range. Aequorea spp. in the Yellow Sea preferred slightly warmer waters than Ulmaridae, but they presented higher temperature adaptability similar to N. nomurai in the northern part of East China Sea. The bottom water temperature where species occurred frequently increased were in turn: Ulmaridae, N. nomu