The daily precipitation (P) and temperature changes in the Qinghai Lake watershed from 1958 to 2001 were analyzed using the records from Gangeha Meteorological Station. Results show that the yearly total rainfall of 0 〈 P 〈 5 mm decreased significantly from 130. 8 mm/a in 1960s to 116.2 mm/a in 1990s at a rate of -9 mm/10 a, whereas the yearly total rainfall of P≥20 mm increased from 29.7 mm/a in 1960s to 36.9 mm/a in 1990s at a rate of 9 mm/10 a. The longest dry period expanded from 32 d/a in 1960s to 45 d/ a in 1990s, and the total days for more than 10 successive no - rainfall days changed from 103 d/a to 145 d/a. The average annual temperature increased from -0.7 ℃ in 1960s to 0.1 ℃in 1990s, and closely connected with the extreme low temperature changes. The daily temperature in 1990s was much higher than that in 1960s, and its increase mainly occurred in winter. These climatic changes had great impacts on Qinghai Lake level and runoffs in this watershed.