通过对采自贵州省各区、县及馆藏瘤冠苔科Aytoniaceae植物标本的鉴定,贵州瘤冠苔科植物有5属13种,其中侧托花萼苔Asterella mussuriensis(Kash Verd.)Verb.为贵州新记录种。对贵州瘤冠苔科植物进行区系分析表明,5种区系成分表现出明显的温带属性特征。
Members of Aytoniaceae distribute widely, most of them are lithophytic. Based identifying of specimens from collected by the authors,There are 5 genera and 13 species in the family in Guizhou Province, among which Asterella mussuriertsis (Mashyap) Verb. is a new record from Guizhou. Floristie analysis on Aytoniaceae indicates that 5 floral elements are of typically temperate characteristics.