为了探索豫西烟区云烟87最适宜的施氮量和留叶数水平,通过大田试验,研究了施氮量、留叶数2个因素互作对云烟87生长发育、产量和品质的影响。结果表明,施氮量为95.44~118.44kg/hm2、留叶数19~22片/株时,云烟87田间长势强、株形较理想,初烤烟叶外观物理特性较好,产、质量适中,矿质元素及常规化学成份较为协调。其中,施氮量为118.44kg/hm2的处理产量(2 461.94kg/hm2)分别显著高于中、低氮处理12.92%、10.93%,产值达到36 329.74元/hm2;施氮量为95.44kg/hm2的处理均价达15.94元/kg,分别比高、低氮处理提高了9.63%(P〉0.05)、4.73%。留叶数19~22片/株的处理田间呈现腰鼓型,利于通风透光,产质量适宜。综合分析,在中、高施氮水平(95.44~118.44kg/hm2),留叶数19~22片/株,豫西地区云烟87产量和品质表现最佳。
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen rates and num- ber of leaves remained on growth, yield, value and quality of Yunyan87 for scientific yield manage- ment in the west of Henan province. The results showed that the yield (2 461.94 kg/ha) under the treatment of 118.44 kg/ha nitrogen rate increased 12.92% and 10.93% compared with those under 95.44 kg/ha and 73.44 kg/ha nitrogen rates, conferring a production value of 36 329. 74 yuan/ha. Under 95.44 kg/ha nitrogen rates the average price 15.94 yuan/kg was 9.63% (P〉 0.05) and 4.73% more than those under 118.44 kg/ha and 73.44 kg/ha nitrogen rates. In addi- tion,19 to 22 leaves remained appeared bucket style,which was benefit for growth of tobacco,well output and quality. Considering the factors of exuberant plant, well physical characteristics, pref-erablc yield and value, and coordinate mineral element and chemical compositions, we confirmed that 95.44-118.44 kg/ha nitrogen rates and 19-22 leaves remained per plant were best for Yu- nyan87 in the west of Henan province.