采用两个借助光纤连接的相互注入半导体激光器,实验获取了10GHz超宽带混沌种子信号.通过8-bit模数转换器将混沌信号转换为二进制数据流,并进行进一步的逻辑异或处理和舍弃最高有效位操作,最终获得了能顺利通过美国国家标准与技术研究院(National Institute of Standard and Technology,简记为NIST)800-22标准测试以及Diehard测试,速率达17.5Gbit/s的高速随机码.
Based on two mutually coupled semiconductor lasers linked by fiber,a chaotic seed signal with a 10 GHz ultra-broadband is obtained experimentally.Adopting an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter,the seed signal is converted into a binary bit stream.By an exclusive-OR operation and the most significant bit rejection,a random bit sequence at a rate up to 17.5 Gbit/s,which has passed both the National Institute of Standard and Technology statistical test and the Diehard test,is obtained.