目的 以定量描绘抑郁患者情绪感知过程中的异常激活脑区分布为例,介绍一种基于脑区激活似然评估(ALE)的磁共振脑功能Meta分析法.方法 检索PscyINFO、Pubmed、CNKI等数据库的中英文文献,要求:①基于情绪诱导的抑郁患者fMRI研究;②以Talairach或MNI坐标定位抑郁患者与正常对照间激活差异脑区.利用Icbm2tal软件将MNI坐标转换至Talairach坐标系,使用Ginger-ALE 2.0软件计算脑区ALE分布图.结果 共纳入15篇文献,患者组样本量226,对照组样本量229,坐标189个.分析显示抑郁症患者存在前额叶皮层、基底节区和边缘叶的情绪调控脑功能环路.执行情感任务时,左侧前额叶皮层、基底节区激活降低,边缘叶激活增加.结论 ALE可以定量、整合分析fMRI研究结果,有较好的应用前景.
Objective By quantitatively synthesizing the result of brain activation during the emotional expression in depressed patients,to introduce a meta-analytic technique based on activation likelihood estimation (ALE) method. Methods Ail English and Chinese literatures in PscyINFO, Puhmed and CNKI were searched with following requirements:(1)Base on emotion perception tasks with fMRI techniques; (2)The regional brain activation abnormalities in depressive patients and controls were demarcated with standard Talairach or MNI coordinates. Any coordinates analyzed based on the MNI system were converted to Talairach space with Icbm2tal software. The ALE map was finally created with Ginger--ALE 2.0 software. Results Fifteen studies were identified with a total of 226 patients, 229 healthy controls and 189 foci. Meta--analysis showed that there was an emotion regulation loop com- posed of the prefrontal cortex, the basal ganglia and the limbic lobe in depression. During processing emotions, the left prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia were hypoactive, whereas opposite change was found in the limbic lobe. Conclusion ALE method can he used to analyse quantitatively and integrally the results of fMRI studies,it is of good prospects.