An edge cut S of a connected graph G is called a restricted edge cut if G-S contains no isolated vertices. The minimum caxdinality of all restricted edge cuts is called the restricted edge connectivity λ′(G) of G. A graph G is optimally restricted edge-connected, for short λ′-optimal, if λ′(G)=ξ(G), where ξ(G) is the minimum edge degree of G. A graph is said to be super restricted edge-connected, for short super-λ′, if every minimum restricted edge cut isolates an edge. Let G be a connected bipartite graph of order n, minimum degree δ(G)≥2 and minimum edge degree ξ(G). In this paper, we prove that: (a) If ξ(G)≥(n/2-2)(1+1/δ(G)-1), then G is λ′-optimal; (b) If ξ(G)〉(n/2-2)(1+1/δ(G)-1), then G is super-λ′ with the exception of the complete bipartite graph K2,n-2,n≥6, and the Cartesian product graph Kn/2 ,n/4×K2 with n≥8 and n is divisible by 4. Moreover, we demonstrate that these results are best possible.