In the presence of a catalyst, ethyl silicate was mixed with ethanol-water solution to form silica sol, which was impregnated into Alnus nepalensis and Tilia amurensis wood as soon as possible. After a reaction time of about 100 min at room temperature, the silica sol was transformed into solgel, which was dried by supercritical drying technique to obtain woodnano-SiO2 aerogel. The chemical structure of wood-nano-SiO2 aerogels were studied by Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Results showed that the FTIR spectrum of wood-nano-SiO2 aerogel composite was basically the sum of the spectra of wood and SiO2 aerogel, no strong chemical bonding between wood and SiO2 aerogel was observed clearly, though the structure of Si-OH was recorded (844 cm^-1 ). The 1 735 cm^-1 peak in some wood-nano-SiO2 aerogel composites decreased clearly compared with that in the untreated wood, which indicates that improper treating process or treating conditions for the composite preparation might cause wood components, especially hemicelltdose to dehydrate, resulting in wood degradation.