Objective: To investigate changes of protein expression of new tissue during mandibular distraction osteoge- nesis of rate with inferior alveolar nerve resection by using the iTRAQ technology. Methods: Six rats were randomly divid- ed into two groups, the experimental group was treated with inferior alveolar nerve resection and unilateral mandibular dis- traction, and the control group was only treated with unilateral mandibular distraction. The mandibular distraction was car- fled out at the rate of 0.2mm/12h for 10 days. Specimens of new bone tissues were collected on Day 10 for physical and chemical analysis, quantitative detection of protein extraction. The iTRAQ technology was used for sampling and identify- ing differentially expressed proteins. Results: 315 species of proteins were identified at iTRAQ technology mass spectrome- try confidence level of 95%. 146 species of differentially expressed proteins were identified, among which 39 raised more than 1.5 times and 58 down 0.8 times. Conclusion: Sensory nervous system plays a role in regulating distraction osteogene- sis process. The identification of the differentially expressed proteins relating to mandibular distraction osteogenesis of rat with missing inferior alveolar nerve facilitates a further verification of proteins associated with new bone formation during mandibular distraction osteogenesis under missing sensory nerve.