通过亲蚕强化营养促熟培育和精心挑选亲蚕,集中同步产卵,缩短双齿围沙蚕人工育苗的时间,提高受精卵的质量;按照♀:♂=3:1配比产卵,孵化密度为1500~1800万粒/m^3,孵化率达80%以上。本试验经60 d培育,在1200 m。的培育面积中育出5~6 cm沙蚕幼体2812万尾,单位面积出苗量为2.34万尾/m^2,底栖后至出池成活率为50%,平均产量约1250 kg/亩。
Perinereis aibuhitensis could be breeded artificially earlier by means of nutritional enhance-ment and choosing ripening parent (♀:♂ = 3 : 1). The larvae were properly controlled at a hatchdensity of 15-18 millions/m^3. Totally 28.12 millions larva with body length about 5-6 cm were yiel-ded from a water volume of 1200 m^2 after 60 days. Output of seeding was 2.34 thousands/m^2 in unit area. Survival rate from demersal was 50%0 and average yield was about 1250 kg/acreage.