利用中尺度数值模式WRF(weather research & forecasting model),选定六种微物理方案(Lin、WSM6、WDM6、Morrison、Milbrandt-Yau、NSSL),对发生在2007年4月15日湖北地区的一次强对流天气进行模拟,对比分析了各方案所模拟出的降水差异及成因.结果显示:六种方案模拟出的降水区域均偏西,其中Milbrandt-Yau方案降水偏少,其余五种方案则偏多;不同方案所模拟的云中微物理结构不同,云中冰相过程的发展很大程度上影响了降水强度,降水主要来源于大的雹霰粒子下落融化.雹霰粒子半径不同是引起降水差异的主要原因,大粒子含量高,则会产生较强的降水;反之,则降水较少.
A deep convective system occurring in Hubei Province on 15 April 2007 is simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model ( WRF ) with six different bulk microphysical schemes (Lin, WSM6, WDM6,Morrison,Milbrandt-Yau,NSSL). Differences of precipitation simulated by the six schemes and its causes are compared and analyzed. The results show that the simulated rainfall areas are all westerly compared with ob- served rainfall area. The central rainfall intensity simulated by Milbrandt-Yau scheme is less than the observed, and more by the other five schemes. Different ice phase processes in different microphysical schemes may have great influence on the structure of cloud and precipitation. The rainfall is mainly from the melting of large graupels and different radius of which would cause rainfall differences. High content of large graupels and hails can result in a heavy rain, otherwise a weak rain instead.