The research work was conducted to explore the effects of conservation tillage on soil physical properties, six types of tillage practices [T (conventional tillage with no straw), NT ( no-tillage with no straw mulching ), TS (conventional tillage with straw incorporation), NTS( no-tillage with straw mulc- hing), TP (conventional tillage with plastic mulching), NTP (no-tillage with plastic mulching)] were con- ducted in a phased rotation system with spring wheat and field pea in rainfed field of the Loess Plateau in cen- tral of Gansu. Results showed that compared with T method, all conservation tillage methods could reduce soil bulk density, increase total porosity, and NTS method was significant in 0-30 cm different soil layer. NTS method could improve soil saturated hydraulic conductivity significantly as well. Compare with T meth- od, in 0-30 cm different soil layer, the aggregates content (≥0.25 mm), MWD (mean weight diameter), GMD (geometric mean diameter ) of the mechanical stable aggregates and the water stable aggregates in con- servation tillage methods were better, and NTS method was the best. Soil bulk density had a extremely sig- nificant negatively correlation with crop yields, total porosity however showed a extremely significant posi- tive correlation with crop yields. The aggregates content (≥0.25 mm), MWD, GMD of the mechanical sta- ble aggregates were extremely significantly positive, significantly positive, significantly positive correlated with crop yields, and all the same three indexes of the water stable aggregates were extremely significantly positive correlated with crop yields. Therefore, with the improvement of soil structure, crop yields would rise.