According to a large number of environmental monitoring data by print distribution meth- od. a total of 145 samples, make systematic analysis of the functional urban area of Guiyang City ( resi- dential, commercial, scenic , traffic areas) near surface atmospheric particles TSP, PM10, PM2.5 con- centration and heavy metal . The results showed that: traffic district PM10/PM2.5 in various cities most polluted regions, the average value 0.593mg/m^3 and 0. 202mg/m^3 , were highter than the nation - Stand- ard of air quality , and exceeding - rate is 100% ; the highest pollution concentrations in the summer, PM10/PM2.5 mean 0. 609 mg/m^3 and 0. 275 mg/m^3 ; Pb and Zn content is higher in PM10/ PM2.5, the contain of Pb is 148 mg / kg and 274 mg / kg, the contain of Zn is 344 mg / kg and 289 mg/ kg, these elements more easily enriched in PM2.5 fine particles, a potential danger to the environment. Finally, Guiyang City PM10/PM2.5 proposed countermeasures, brought about a great potential danger, this paper write countermeasures Finally.