AIM: To investigate the role of N - cadberin in the delamination of neural crest cells. METHODS: The normal expression of N - eadherin in neural tube was identified using in situ hybridization. The cells with N - eadherin over expression were obtained by transfection of wild -type N -cadherin ( wt - N -cadherin) , and the cells with N -cadber- in silencing expression were obtained by transfeetion of dominant - negative N - cadherin ( dn - N - eadherin). The migra- tion of cranial neural crest cells was determined by the technique of immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Either overexpres- sion or down - regulation of N - eadherin significantly affected the migration of cranial neural crest cells. CONCLUSION: Delamination and migration of the cranial neural crest cells rely on the relative N - eadherin expression in the neural tube during ncurulation.