动态密钥托管方案,采用E1 Gamal公钥体制,利用单向函数不可求逆的安全特性设计,该方案可使用于任意接入结构,每个托管代理者的子密钥可以多次使用。如果某托管子密钥泄露,系统只需为其重新分配子密钥,其他成员的子密钥不必更改。本系统可方便增删托管代理成员,既具安全性,又可提高密钥托管的动态性和灵活性。
A dynamic key escrow scheme was proposed based on E1Gamal public key cryptosystem and one-way function, which could effectually identify cheaters, and could be applicable to arbitrary access structures. The key shadow could be reused for many times. When some key agents' key shadow had been revealed, they could be renewed without any effect on the others, qlae scheme can accept or fire a key agent easily, which not only is security, but also increases dynamic and flexibility of key escrow.